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BCMC Members

Current Member Count: Officers:12 Members: 7 Prospects: 2  Total: 21

President: Pres_Hackor_BCMC
Vice President: VP_Kajun_BCMC
Sergeant at Arms: SA_Maria_BCMC
Treasurer: TRSamdexyFF_BCMC
Secretary: Sec_Blu_H_BCMC
Road Captain: RC_Farah_BCMC
Club Manager: CM_Cali_BCMC
Prospecting And Recruiting: PR_HELLMUTT_BCMC
Prospecting And Recruiting: PR_SIEVMUTT_BCMC
Chaplain: CHP_Michael_BCMC


If you are interested in becoming part of Bad Company, be sure to reach out to any of us, and hangout out with us at ours or other events.

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